Wednesday 2 June 2010

on moving on

Spitting venom; wielding a broom,
shards of hatred pierce the room
ricochet dangerously, seeking the target
finding the focus is not stone hearted
but angered by mimicry scorn and display
blinded by clarity just turns away.

Little by little, bit by bit,
relationship splinters, scatters and hits,
destroying the values, the love and the trust.
Damaged, dysfunctional, best left to rust.

Forensically sifting through previous pain,
needing to highlight that insight was gained,
so able to indicate just who to blame;
best move away quietly, to board the next train.

On being sent on a Human Resources training...

Thanks for sending me here for this and that
Not sure that I belong or want to wear this hat;
maybe useful, but not my bowl of fruit,
not wanting to hire nor fire, not sure I fit the suit.
lived there once and had to come away
(if i can't get my head around 'twill be a long, long day)
Lecture starts at page 1 so can only go one way,
endless drone for background, not sure that I will stay.
Tick a box that's useful, minding what you say,
no-one knows the answers until they're out to play.
Now there's a left winger can we get one way up front?
To find the person who at least is keen to join the hunt.
The matrix man and mantra can talk to us at length,
the evidence presented but do they have the strength
to breathe a little life into the role that's on this page
are we looking for a worker or do we want the sage?