Saturday, 12 December 2009

Power to the People

Power to the People; let the people have their power
(National Grid plan to distribute power from a proposed new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point)

When pylons march across the land hip hip hooray they say,
that power, it heats my home and bulbs to turn night into day.
Go, bedeck the mighty pylons with blades and panels too
at christmas time bright tinsel,some lights; red,white & blue.

Some don’t want nothing nuclear, no wind farms or that coal
keep the tidal power of Severn if here you’ll make a hole.
We’ll keep our lovely countryside, we do not want to pay,
nor lose money on our houses, so we will have our say.
So yes, make up your banners and march and type today,
but we co-operators want our power an equitable way.

Choose, a Liberal dose of everything where anything will do;
the elitist flatearth Tory, supporting just the few;
this Labour Co-op person says, I will campaign with you,
but I want to look at climate change and every other view,
for if we can bury hatchets we can bury cables too.

So let’s not make decisions based on prejudice or lies,
but go looking for the answers, though complexity defies,
a simple safe solution that will satisfy our lust,
for everything electrical, where everything’s a must;
we’d better mind our planet or we’ll all of us go bust.

We should gather to consider, before we bite the dust,
including those who tell me, ‘we really can’t be fussed’;
so standing for election or standing to achieve,
let’s do it for the principles, that we, perhaps, believe.

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